This third international symposium for researchers and clinicians on Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome is being held in Munich Germany and offers access to the latest research and analysis related to this rare disease.
Meeting participants will gain valuable insights into innovative perspectives in both basic and clinical research. The scientific programme will draw together experts from around the world to discuss breakthroughs in basic research, advances in clinical practice, novel therapeutic approaches and new insights into stem-cell and cellular therapies. An ideal forum to share knowledge, connect with professional colleagues and grow your professional network.
WAS2022 is being held on March 18th, 2022. We have timed the symposium to allow researchers who are travelling to also potentially visit the EBMT2022 conference in Prague, Czech Republic between March 19th to March 23th, 2022.
- Expanding WAS/XLT and WASp research.
- Bridging the gap between basic and clinical research to speed up applications
- Foster collaboration among researchers.
- Attract young researchers to focus on WAS/XLT and WASp
- Abstract Submission Opens: October 15, 2021
- abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, December 31, 2021
Prof. Adrian Thrasher - Institute of child health, London.
Prof. Anna Villa - Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (SR-Tiget).
Prof. Michael Albert - Dr. von Haunersches University Children’s Hospital,
Prof. Bobby Gaspar - Institute of child health, London.
Dr. Sumathi Iyengar - The Wiskott Aldrich Foundation.
Mr. Amir Kedar - The Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome association (R.A.).
This Networking event has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the EJP RD COFUND-EJP N° 825575

The WAS2022 Symposium was made possible, in part, by a grant provided by the Jeffrey Modell Foundation WIN Program.
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